Local Contact Information
In this pandemic time, when it’s hard to see each other in person, we want to make sure you can get the information that interests you.
Church email lists
Below is contact information for getting on various church email lists. If you don’t use email, please call the church office at 603-847-3280 so we can figure out alternatives with you.
Worship service information list, both Zoom and On-the-Lawn: email Pastor Eliot Fay at nelsonchurchUCC@gmail.com.
Friday News email: email Pastor Eliot Fay at nelsonchurchUCC@gmail.com.
Prayer request list, to request prayers or to receive information about others in need of prayer: email Pastor Eliot Fay at nelsonchurchUCC@gmail.com.
Church Council minutes and general church operations list: email Betsy Street at nelson.church.clerk@gmail.com.
To get the printed or electronic monthly Meetinghouse newsletter or to make address and email changes: email Hope Lothrop at nccuccnews3@gmail.com.
Other email lists
Contact information to get on other Nelson-related email lists:
Nelson Library: email oliviarodham@gmail.com
Nelson community news: Black Fly Quarterly newsletter and/or Black Fly Express weekly email.
Nelson Trails Committee activities: email newsletter@movinginstep.org
Nelson Agricultural Commission: email nelsonnhagcom@gmail.com
Cub Scout Pack 530: email Cubmaster Todd Pearson at tfp1998@gmail.com
Nelson websites
Nelson Library (Olivia Rodham Memorial Library)
Monadnock Folklore Society - Check out the Johnny Trombly Scholarship, awarded for expenses related to developing musical skill in traditional New England dance music.
New in town?
Please let the town Welcome Committee know you are here! They have useful information and a warm welcome to share with you. Email Betsey Church at betsyrick@gmail.com.
Who are we missing?
Please let us know of other lists and groups. Email Betsy Street at nelson.church.clerk@gmail.com