Christian Education

Winter 2025 Bible Study

The Wednesday evening Bible Study is underway. We are watching the series, The Chosen, and meeting each Wednesday evening from 7-8 pm via Zoom to discuss an episode or two you watched on your own prior to the discussion.

On the last Wednesday of each month, we meet in-person in the church fellowship hall at 5:30 pm for a simple meal of soup and bread, and then we discuss that evening’s episode. 

Everyone is welcome and regular attendance isn't necessary so feel free to join whenever you are able to!

Updated 2-3-25

Sunday School

Sunday School is available for Kindergarten and up, with nursery care for younger ones. Children attend the first 15 minutes or so of the worship service upstairs with their parents, which includes some low-key connecting time with the minister, then make their way downstairs for Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall. Older youth can help teach the younger ones.

Curriculum varies from year to year, depending on the interests of the coordinators and teachers. It aligns with the reading and teachings that are going on upstairs.

The last Sunday of each month is Family Sunday, during which the children remain upstairs for the entire service.