Officers, committees, affiliations
The Nelson Church is a congregational church, meaning we make our own decisions. Our committees share information and discuss common issues via a church council. Important decisions are voted on by the full church membership.
Church Council
The Church Council meets the second Sunday of each month. It is a forum for committees and individuals to share information and bring forward items for discussion. It is open to any congregation member to attend, and our three committees send at least one representative each month. The moderator runs the meetings.
Lew Derby
Kelly French
Peter Smith
Bob West
Ron Ferguson, alternate
Joy Birdsey-Smith
Susan Peery
In 2021, we completed a visioning and restructuring process. We reorganized our complex committee structure to better align with our focus on outreach and community.
Congregational Care
Core value: faith
Worship Support: Maintain sanctuary environment. Support worship. Support special services. Pastoral community support.
Spiritual growth: Adult education, Sunday school, laity speakers/readers
Pastoral relations: 2-3 people only, highly confidential work. Liaison between pastor and congregation and the community.
Hospitality: Maintain welcoming vibe. Coffee hour.
Care for the Earth
Music program support: think with the Music Director
Stewardship campaign: congregational pledges
Community Life
Core values: love and outreach
Missions: Projects that include congregation,
service trips,
congregation education about missions,
social justice fund, food pantry, support for local organizations
Programming: social, musical, educational,
youth, passing down the stories/history, raise funds according to events budget.
Responding to community needs: from prayer requests, disasters, wedding and funeral support, neighbor relations.
Core values: capacity and continuity
Finances: Create and manage budget. Negotiate pastor’s contract. Hire staff. Monitor investments.
Administration: Record all pledges and donations. Send tax letters. TY notes. Vital statistics.
Community Giving: summer and winter campaigns
Communications: news items for newsletters, event PR, social media, outside sign, website.
Facilities: manage indoor and outdoor maintenance.
Church policies
Church history
Other groups and roles
Scouts liaison
UCC Conference Rep
Ladies Aid
The Nelson Congregational Church is an independent church, able to make all its own decisions. However, we have affiliations we value deeply.
Nationally we are affiliated with the United Church of Christ (UCC), a mainline Protestant Christian denomination based in the United States, with historical roots in the Congregational, Reformed, and Lutheran traditions. There are almost 5,000 UCC churches in the United States.
In New Hampshire, we are part of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ (NHUCC). Within that, we are also part of the Southwest Association.