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Sacred Ally Quilts on Display in Fellowship Hall

  • Nelson Congregational Church (map)

We received an unexpected opportunity to host the Sacred Ally Quilts depicting the dying words of George Floyd. The quilts were made by nine UCC churches following the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. The quilts are traveling to schools and churches throughout New England to inspire reflection and conversation about racial justice. They will be at the Nelson Church this weekend, and are set up in the Fellowship Hall (basement). Masks are required; extra masks are available at the entrances to the church. The hall is open to see the quilts:
Sat, Feb. 12, Noon to 3 pm
Sun, Feb. 13, 11 am to 1 pm

Please come see them. It is a powerful experience.

February 1

First Tuesday Tea

February 16

Bible Study